قسم التكنولوجيا هو هيكل تابع لكلية التكنولوجيا. إنه يجمع بين جوهر 1 و 2 في مجال العلوم والتكنولوجيا. مع 65 معلمًا من بينهم 04 محاضرين كبار أ ، 23 محاضرًا أول ب ، 34 مدرسًا مساعدًا أ و 4 محاضرين مساعدين ب ، قسم التكنولوجيا ، وفقًا لنظام LMD ، درجات البكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراه.
يضم قسم التكنولوجيا ما يقرب من 3568 طالبًا ، بما في ذلك 1840 طالبًا في السنة الأولى من ST و 1721 طالبًا في السنة الثانية.
The Department of Technology is a structure of the Faculty of Technology. It brings together the core 1 and 2 of the science and technology field. With 65 teachers including 04 senior lecturers A, 23 senior lecturers B, 34 assistant lecturers A and 4 assistant lecturers B, the Technology department delivers, in accordance with the LMD system, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees.
The Technology Department has approximately 3,568 students, including 1,840 ST first year students and 1,721 second year students.
The Department of Petrochemistry & Process Engineering is a structure of the Faculty of Technology. It brings together the three fields of Process Engineering, Hygiene and Safety and the national petrochemical industries field of science and technology. With 78 teachers including 06 professors, 12 lecturers A, 19 lecturers B, 29 assistant lecturers A and 12 assistant lecturers B, the Department of Petrochemistry & Process Engineering issues, in accordance with the LMD system, License degrees , Master and Doctorate.
The Department of Petrochemistry & Process Engineering has approximately 1954 students.
distributed in:
06 license course:
Automation and control in petrochemical industries
Refining and petrochemicals
Petrochemical Engineering
Petrochemical industries
Process engineering
Hygiene & industrial safety
09 master's course:
Automation in petrochemical industries
Catalysis in petrochemical engineering
Petrochemicals & polymer processes
Environmental genius
Water engineering and management
Chemical engineering
Polymer engineering
Industrial hygiene and safety
Safety of industrial processes and risk management
And 01 LMD Doctorate
Chemical engineering option Materials and environment
The Department of Civil Engineering is a structure of the Faculty of Technology. It brings together the Civil Engineering branch of the science and technology field. With 36 teachers including 04 professors, 05 lecturers A, 12 lecturers B, 11 assistant lecturers A and 04 assistant lecturers B, the Department of Civil Engineering issues, in accordance with the LMD system, Bachelor and Master degrees and Doctorate.
The Department of Civil Engineering has around 681 students
distributed in:
02 license course
Civil engineering
Public works
05 master's course
Home equipment
Materials in civil engineering
Roads and structures
And 04 Docrorat
Seismic engineering of soils and structures
Project management
Soil structure and risk interaction